Well I gave it my all and revised every day for my first AS exam but I still failed. Well shit.
Oh well I'll just have to work harder.
I look at exams in two ways. If I fail then I have to work harder so that I can pass.
If I pass then I have to continue to work hard so that I can continue to pass. If I give up now then I would have lost 5 months of my life that I will never get back and that isn't something that I want to have regrets over so I have to continue to work and learn and make sure that I can pass my resit.
I'm not bitter and I know well that I choose to do the subjects I did. I choose the odd mix of Fine Art, Media and Chemistry. Chemistry is the odd one out here and to be honest I wanted to do physics but I didn't have a choice in the matter it was that or art so I picked art and went for second best with science.
Chemistry CH1 is hard, like I don't know why we didn't do CH2 first because it is much easier, CH1 wasn't pure chemistry and there was a lot of stuff that I struggled to understand. Ch2 though is more pure chemistry and I am understanding it quite well.
It could just be that I don't have the talent for the likes of Science and Maths, I was good at it when I was younger but over the years I have taken leaps and bounds in what was my weakest subject English. I suppose you could say that I have evened out and I would like to think that it is going to help me but at times I can't help but think what if I was still all science and maths? Would I have passed then? It isn't worth wasting my time thinking about such things. I just need to focus and continue to improve. Some people say that the first exam is always the hardest, if they are right then good if that is the case then I should find them easier every time.
I don't intend to quit I want to finish what I started even if it takes longer than I hoped.
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